AUT Women in Tech Student Scholarship

AUT Women in Tech offers all female engineering and computer science students a chance to get a $2000 scholarship.

The aim of this scholarship is to:

  • Promote the activities related to Women in Tech
  • Support and contribute to the events organised by Women in Tech
  • Act as role model to inspire your peers
  • Participate in research activities as defined by Women in Tech
  • Provide critical feedback to the mission, vision and activities developed and promoted by Women in Tech

Scholarship value

The scholarship has a value of $2000.


The application is open to female AUT students in engineering and computer science

How to apply

The applicants need to provide the following documents and email them to no later than 5pm on  21 October 2022.

  • CV – no more than two pages
  • Statement of competency explaining why you think you deserve this scholarship – no more than one page
  • Plan – how this scholarship helps you advance your studies – no more than one page
  • List of any other scholarships received – provide a list any other scholarship(s) you've received.

Judging process

The applications are assessed by the WIT working group members and the successful applicant(s) are announced by 4 November 2022.

Women in Tech scholarship

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