About us

AUT Women in Tech is currently led by Dr Jing (Julia) Ma who wants to encourage and support women studying in STEM (science, engineering, technology and mathematics) courses by helping them develop networking skills and succeed in their field of study. Her team brings together driven women from different backgrounds and positions to form a tight community within AUT, and connecting them with women working in the industry.

AUT Women in Tech believes in equality. Our events are open to all; regardless of background or gender, high school or professional. We invite all to work together to make a difference in the representation of women in STEM.

Our mission

Women are under-represented in the fields of engineering, technology, science and mathematics. These fields change the way we live – but they need more women and people of colour to help create new developments that serve all of society, not just a small segment.

Our female students, staff and alumni prove that they can play key roles in these male-dominated fields. We also run programmes for high school and primary school students to inspire more girls to get into these fields.

Our core values

We encourage students to continuously improve themselves and venture into other skills in various areas in the STEM field through our mentoring programme.

We help women learn engineering, technology, science and mathematics techniques.

We support women to learn knowledge. We help them discover their potential to improve themselves.

a group of women interested in STEM

Sharing insights with future STEM talent

Our mentoring programme supports women studying STEM subjects, with academic staff and industry professionals volunteering their time.

More about mentorship

Partner with us

We welcome partners to support our Women in Tech initiatives to help us inspire women studying STEM subjects.
